store 1 to cont do case case 1=1 ? "this should print" case 1=2 do case case 1=1 ? "it made it to second level case" store cont+1 to cont endcase ? "this should not print" otherwise ? "wrong. It did the otherwise." endcase Return MIKE SALLY SAMUEL WILLIAM WILLIAM P/`P/ _P/ Po P/ P/ Po _P _0_P _P_P P/ _P_Po _P _0_P _ CCC C CC o _P _0_P _ CCC C CC p/ p/ po _p/ p`PO`_p/ ?Po _po _Po _P/ _Po ?p/0?P/ p/ / P/`P/ ?P/ / P/ 0/ P/`/ po`p/`po po`p/ _Pp`?P _P/_0 _PO _P`po _Pop/ _/ _P/ P/ _P/ P/ _P/ P/ _? _P/`P/ _P/ Po P/ P/ Po _P _0_P _P_P P/ _P_P_P/ P/_P/_Po_P/ P/ _Po _P/ SALLY SAMUEL WILLIAM WILLIAM P/`P/ _P/ Po P/ P/ Po _P _0_P _P_P P/ _Pre 1 to cont do case case 1=1 ? "this should print case 1=2 do case case 1=1 ? "it made it to second level case" store cont+1 to cont endcase ? "this should not print" otherwise ? "wrong. It did the otherwise." endcase Return MIKE SALLY SAMUEL WILLIAM WILLIAM P/`P/ _P/ Po P/ P/ Po _P _0_P _P_P P/ _P_Po _P _0_P _ CCC C C