Listing 3. The essential material in the patch for installing an internal environment into DU35. ; PROGRAM: DU-CPM.Z80 ; AUTHOR: Jay Sage ; DATE: June 15, 1991 ; This code is a patch that can be used with DU35 to embed ; an internal environment descriptor and TCAP so that DU35 ; can be used under standard CP/M (2.2 or 3) as well as Z- ; -System. To use this patch, DU35.Z80 must be assembled as ; usual to a REL file and then linked with the data segment ; (DSEG) moved 100H higher in memory to provide a place to ; insert the ENV. The appropriate linker commands with the ; version-4 libraries are as follows: ; ; SLRNK DU35/N,/P:100,/D:2E50,DU35, ; VLIB/S,Z3LIB/S,SYSLIB0/S,/E ; or ; ZML DU35,VLIB/,Z3LIB/,SYSLIB0/ D2E50 ; ; This linking leaves the space from 2D50H to 2E4FH free for ; an internal ENV and TCAP, which are defined below in this ; patch. As distributed, this patch is set up with an ENV ; for my Televideo 803H computer and a TCAP for a Wyse-50 ; terminal (this works on the Televideo, too). You should ; edit the file so that it describes your system (search for ; the sections marked with "***** USER EDIT *****". ; ; Once the patch has been edited, assemble it to a HEX file ; and then use MLOAD (or MYLOAD) to apply the overlay: ; ; MLOAD DU=DU35.COM,DU-CPM.HEX ; An alternative way to install the TCAP is to extract a ; binary TCAP from one of the distribution files (such as ; Z3TCAP.TCP, which is a library collection of TCAPs) ; Then, after installing the DU-CPM patch, use a debugger or ; file editor to install the desired TCAP into DU.COM at ; address 2DD0H (on top of the one installed by this patch). ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; System configuration information (***** USER EDIT *****) ; OMITTED MATERIAL SAME AS THE CONFIGURATION ; EQUATES IN CPMENV.LIB intenv equ 02d50h ; Place in DU35 for the internal ENV ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Install ENV address at beginning of code org 109h ; Place for the ENV address dw intenv ; Internal ENV address ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; Install the dummy ENV in the DU35 code org intenv ; OMITTED MATERIAL SAME AS THE MACRO CODE ; IN CPMENV.LIB ; End of NZTCAPD