R60 Listing 4. Modified CONIN routine. When particular¨ characters are typed at the keyboard, escape sequences are¨ sent to the screen. In this particular example, typing a¨ tilde causes the escape sequence to select a blinking block¨ cursor to be sent to the screen, while typing a back¨ apostrophe sets the cursor to a blinking underline (for my¨ Televideo terminal). Thanks to Howard Goldstein for this¨ improvement to my original code. -------------------------------------------------- ICONIN: LD A,9 ; Perform the BIOS call CALL DOBIOS CP '~' ; If tilde, send out JR Z,SEQ1 ; ..sequence 1 CP '`' ; If not back apostrophe, RET NZ ; ..return to calling ; .. program ; Back apostrophe was typed PUSH AF ; Save input character LD A,'3' JR SEQ SEQ1: PUSH AF ; Save input character LD A,'1' SEQ: LD (POKE+1),A ; Poke in final character PUSH BC LD C,1BH ; Send escape to screen CALL ICONOT LD C,'.' ; Send period to screen CALL ICONOT POKE: LD C,$-$ ; Filled in from above CALL ICONOT ; Send last char to screen POP BC POP AF ; Get input character back RET