3 June 1985 Z-NEWS 204 Z TIPS: Here we go again! Howard Cripe has created an alias support program that permits using your favorite editor to write aliases. Each individual command is entered followed by a carriage return; later processing converts these returns to semicolons, the ZCPR3 command separators, with line feeds ignored. Then after exiting your editor, file produced is processed by Howard's ACREATE.COM using command: ACREATE An alias COM file is thus produced, ready to run. Another file called ALIAS.MAS (should be on default drive along with ACRRATE.COM) is automatically used to make final runnable alias. But first, ALIAS.MAS must be one-time installed to your SYS.ENV file using Z3INS, Version 1.2 or later; else use ZDM (or DDT) to patch environment base-page address (found using SHOW or Z3LOC) into MAS location 10A hex (then SAVE 4 ALIAS.MAS). Thanks for your work, Howard; Z community is grateful! We suggested awhile ago that someone put a character/command editor into ALIAS.COM, so re-doing the entire alias script wouldn't be required for each little change. Howard did the next best thing in developing ACREATE--now we wait in diminished pain for that internal editor. You who complete it, please call the program MKALIAS, name goes nicely with MKDIR. Author of ZCPR3, Richard Conn, is updating SAK (strike-any-key) to permit operator to cancel with ^C while within Zex batch command files. Presently ^C drops you to next Zex command line. Other than in Zex files, SAK now works perfectly in straight commands, in menus, and in aliases. Soon it'll work perfectly, period! Robert Greenlee recently developed a patch for Z-System ZEX batch program to permit running with XtraKey and XScreen. Those using these programs and Z3 should get patch documentation from Z-Nodes (file ZEXPTCH2.DQC), or write/call Bob at Xpert Systems, 8865 Polland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123, 619/268-0112. Kaypro and ZCPR3 user, Fred Lieberman (Santa Cruz, CA) thought of a machine specific alias we pass to you. He called it BYE, the last command given as his computer power is turned off. CLEANDIR;ECHO TURN OFF MODEM AND PRINTER;SAFTEY. That's it. CLEANDIR keeps the directory tidy for possible UNERASE use; message is shown to remind to turn off hardware; SAFTEY is a Kaypro program positioning hard disk head to safe location for physically moving computer, intentionally or accidently. ECHELON PRODUCT DELIVERY STATUS: ZCPR3: The Manual Mr. James Monaco, President of New York ZOETROPE, publisher of the "book," has personally given us a delivery date--21 June, if no further problems develop! Echelon has arranged to have the manual dropped shipped by publisher to each customer in interest of quickest delivery after off-the-press has occurred. Delays getting this book to our customers has caused some ill-will, we know; but please hang-in with us--the book is worth it! ZRDOS2/Z-Com2 Problems in software design has lead to much delays in project. Presently we change specification of these packages. Meeting original specification placed program into "too big" category for Z80's and 64k-byte memory spaces. So Version 2 is being reserved for HD64180's and Z800's, schedule not yet determined. For those who ordered ZRDOS2/Z-Com2, we will supply ZRDOS/Z-Com Plus, similar to ZRDOS1 and Z-Com but with full single-level re-entrance. I/O Packages such as I/OR and BPrinter work with Plus. Re-entrance results in very compact code for I/O tasks. It's the best we can do for Z80-based 64k-byte machines. Term3 Deep in beta testing, Term3 should be shipping soon, hopefully in a month or less! Program is modular, uses ZCPR3 facilities fully, replaces BYE (public domain automatic phone answering program used by most remote bulletin board systems), and mates hand-in-glove with Z-Msg (Metal). Of course, it handles all your communications needs as well. Having features and possibilities not previously found in any such programs, first version is shipped with letter thanking everyone for their extreme patience and offering free upgrade to planned second (and final) version. (DEMO.MNU, in DEMO.LBR mentioned above, contains a few useful Term3 command macros in special Communications Menu--a beginning.) SB-180 Update: Single board computer using Hitachi HD64180 and Z-System is physically sized at 4" by 7" to mount on side of 5.25" and 3.5 floppy drives. Shipments start first week of August 1985! Price: fully assembled and tested board with ready-to-boot operating system and other software bundled on four double-sided, double density disks is $499.00. Price includes SuperBIOS with 192k-byte auto-RAM disk, MOVZ, SYSGEN, CONFIG, FCV, ZCPR3, ZRDOS, EDIT, ZDM, and ZAS. Same without OS software but with SuperBIOS is $359.00; software alone is priced at $190.00. An ancillary board is being developed containing a full 300/1200 bps modem plus other functions; more details in a month. To order or for more details, call or write Micromint Inc., 25 Terrace Drive, Vernon, CT 06066, toll-free telephone 1-800-635-3355. (See Z-News 109 for further SB-180 specifications, 105 and 107 for early benchmarks.) Milestone Achieved: Lots of folks haven't worked with Z-System menus. To assist getting started Echelon staff has developed an extensive set of coordinated, chained menu scripts (text files) and display screens using MENU, VMENU, and VFILER. Menu methodology is explained in a lengthy DOC file--much caring went into menu project. Since Z is the definitive 8-bit operating system and so few seem to understand it, we thought it worth expending such energy. Stated another way, we know of no system that permits production of menus and covers range of task automation as easily and as efficiently as Z. (Similar menus are used to impress OEM's potentially interested in using Z- System, instead of using more expensive, less powerful software.) Novice computer users may be shielded completely from learning Z-System commands; experienced user's find convenience and task speed up; and consultants find organizational power important. Fruits of our work are in file DEMO.LBR on Z-Nodes; download, study, use; then, write us what you think. Let's see your menu (and alias) examples! Our menu offering is for a 3-drive system; if you do one for two (2) drives we would especially appreciate seeing your work. While on subject of menus and screens, one of our customers, Fred Haines, in the movie business, has automated screenplay writing and management using Z-System menus. If interested in movie script control, contact him at 733 North King's Road #331, Los Angeles, CA 90069, 213/658-8664. Work is called Speedball Movie Maker. Fred uses a Morrow MD3 for computer activities and one of his beta-tester software friends has planned an article about it for Writer's Guild newsletter. Z goes Hollywood! Amateur_Z_User's_Corner: ZCPR3 has no direct file move command, but CP and MCOPY are there for file coping. (ZRDOS's AC command with trailing E option is an effective file mover.) Lacking ZRDOS, a simple alias, call it MV, is created to move files from one directory to another: MCOPY $1=$2 Q;ERASE $2 R;ECHO FILE(S) MOVED: $2. Because versatile transients MCOPY and ERASE are available and used here, $2 may be wild-card declared, and with several filenames separated by commas. Syntax is similar to normal copying or renaming, except "space" delimiter is used instead of "=" sign: B0:WORK1> [DIR:][,fn2.ft2][,*.ft3] mv $1 $2 Legend: < > = required operator entry, [ ] = optional; fn = filename, up to eight characters; ft = filetype, optionally up to 3 characters; and, * = matches any set of characters, one of two OS file-search wildcards (other is "?" which matches any single character); $1 = first parameter passed after command name, $2 = second; = RETURN, ENTER, DO, etc., keypress. Either DIR or DU directory forms may be used. Conditional testing (using resident IF or transient IF12) for existence of files or directories--canceling or displaying message if not--could be added. Microcomputer technical jargon is no more difficult to learn than that of other professions, e.g., medical or botanical. Jargon develops as means to more efficiently communicate: one word may represent a complete concept greatly increasing speed and ease of human interactions. But everyone involved must understand language used; so let's get to meaning of seldom defined command line tails, trailing parameters, variables and arguments, and expressions like "passing." We already have an mental image of shells as used in ZCPR3 context (read Z-News 203, page one, if you don't). Mentally differentiate between file scripts entered with editor and command lines entered at OS prompt. Definitions by examples: ECHO THIS IS A TEST. - "THIS IS A TEST." is command tail passed to program ECHO to display on terminal. Moving data from one memory area to another is called "passing." $f, $n, $t, %f, %n, %t - These are script variables used to indicate whether full fn.ft, or fn or ft is to be expanded, passed and further processed. Used in shells. $0, $1, $2, $3 - Script parameters, expanded (resolved) name passed from command line to program, shell, or alias. May be filenames or trailing options (arguments). WS fn.ft - "fn.ft" is command tail for WordStar, file to edit. PRINT fn.ft e - "fn.ft e" is command tail for command PRINT. "e" is called trailing option of command. FLASH! Quadram Corporation (4355 International Blvd., Norcross, GA 30093, 404/923-6666) soon comes out of beta testing with full-up, ready-to-boot from either 5.25" or 8" disk, S-100 bus single board computer. Board uses Hitachi super HD64180 8-bit computer chip, and contains 512k-bytes of RAM along with floppy and hard disk controllers, one parallel and two serial ports. Old timers have been waiting for this, as we have. Look for it being ready for sale in July or early August! (Further good news: Zilog Z800 chip is not dead; it's coming but we won't say when! Samples, with blemishes, are in hands of selected potential volume-user manufacturers.) Our faith in and support for 8-bit processors is slowly being materially justified. Industry Brief: You know what IBM did to PCjr--they stopped production and it's essentially an orphan. Well, PC2 is soon (in six months, more or less) to come out. and guess what? Machine that's sold in millions is now to become an orphan! That's Life? We write and speak no more of IBM (or DRI). Fears Stifle Our Creativity: We simply hate to make mistakes, but also we fear being seen a fool, being criticized by our peers, being mislead or misused by others. We fear standing alone with no one at our side, fear disturbing traditions or breaking taboos, not having the security of habit patterns, losing attention and love of our work and social groups; and most of all, we truly fear being an individual. Yet, we claim being individual is unique, blessed strength of being human! See you down the lines... Echelon, Inc. 101 First Street Los Altos, CA 94022 Telephone: 415/948-3820 Z-Node Central: 415/489-9005 Trademarks: SB-180, Micromint; HD64180, Hitachi; Z80/800, Zilog; WY-50/350, Wyse; Model 955, TeleVideo; Z-System, Z-Tools, ZCPR3, ZRDOS, Z-Com, Zas, Zlink, DSD, ZDM, ITOZ, Z-Msg, Lasting-Value Software, Echelon and their respective owners and authors; CP/M, Digital Research; MS-DOS, Microsoft; PCjr, IBM; Unix, AT&T. Z-News 204 is Copyright 1985 Echelon, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission to reprint, wholly or partially, automatically granted if source credit is given to Echelon.